Content Policy
Lakewood Opinions Content Policy
Lakewood Opinions, LLC and Lakewood Newsbreak is a platform that people use to stay connected and informed within their communities. This Content Policy was developed to help foster a healthy environment of authenticity and safety for Lakewood Newsbreak users.
These restrictions apply in addition to the broader suite of policies governing your use of our platforms, including our Terms of Use, and Privacy Policy. Failure to comply with it may result in us ceasing to displaying your content, or suspending or terminating your account. The examples listed under each section should not be considered exhaustive and are non-limiting. Content restrictions may apply to including but not limited to imagery, footage, text, graphic description, links to other sites or apps, and embedded content.
1. Violence and Gory Content
We want to prevent any potential harm that can be related to any content on Lakewood Newsbreak . Because of this, we prohibit content that glorifies violent acts that could encourage our audience to replicate similar behaviors. We also do not allow violent, gruesome or gory content that’s primarily intended to shock or disgust our audience.
What is in violation of the policy?
• Footage, imagery, or graphic descriptions of violent crimes that resulted in death or physical injury, such as homicides shootings, attacks, robberies, street fights, sexual assaults, or torture, in which weapons, violence, or injured victims are visible (Note: there are no exceptions for this example, even if there is educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic value)
• Content featuring natural disasters, war aftermath, immolation, protests or riots, or other such scenarios with the intent to shock or disgust
• Content that promotes or glorifies suicide or self-harm
• Footage, imagery, or graphic descriptions of corpses or any severed body parts
• Footage, imagery, or graphic descriptions of extreme body modifications
• Footage, imagery, or graphic descriptions of bodily fluids
• Footage, imagery, or graphic descriptions of displays of birth defects
• Medical procedure footage or imagery of open wounds
• Graphic skin conditions (e.g. acne, pimple, skin lesions, blisters, or tumors) or mouth conditions
• Graphic displays of infections, decay, or infestation
• Content promoting animal abuse or slaughter or humans forcing animals to attack each other
• Content where the footage or imagery of wildlife (e.g. snakes, spiders, crocodiles, sharks, insects) highlights animal battle or animal attack, and has a shocking effect
• Promotion of any organization that engages in violence or advocates terrorist activities, hate toward any particular group, violence(including attempts), human trafficking or any criminal activity
2. Dangerous and Illegal Content
We do not allow content that could directly facilitate dangerous or illegal activities.
What is in violation of the policy?
• Instructions on how to perform activities meant to kill or harm, for example, how to build a bomb
• Display of uses of hard drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, or meth
• Non-educational content that explains how to make illegal substances
• Content which claims that substances or treatments can have health benefits without citing any reputable medical journals or studies
• Instructions on how to cheat or promote dishonest behaviors, such as how to steal goods, how to bypass paywalls, how to hack into social media accounts, how to use bots to exploit systems in an unethical or illegal manner, stream sniping
• Content involving consuming or inserting inedible objects that have no legitimate medical purpose
• Promotion of harm to others, self-harm, suicide, eating disorders or drug abuse
• Providing answers, responses, comments, or opinions that you are not properly licensed or otherwise qualified to provide (such as providing medical, financial, or legal advice, without appropriate licenses)
• Promotion of unreasonable or unrealistic employment opportunities
• Promotion of any gamblings or betting of real money
• Content that exploits others through extortion
3. Harassment and Hateful Content
We do not allow content with discriminatory, defamatory, harassing, or derogatory language, especially that which is intended to threaten violence or incite violence or discrimination against an individual or a group based on race, ethnicity, age, color, caste, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, serious medical condition, socioeconomic class, and veteran status.
This policy is enforced in tandem with our policies on violence and gore content, and dangerous and illegal content.
What is in violation of the policy?
• Mocking, shaming, insulting, expressing contempt or disgust, and abusing an individual or a group based on one or more attributes noted above
• Language intended to shame, insult, or deride physical attributes not related to clothing, make-up, or accessories
• Violent threats against an individual or a group, for example, declarative statements threatening to kill someone, sexually assault someone, or commit a violent act that could lead to someone’s death or serious physical injury
• Content that promotes extremist organizations, e.g., Neo-Nazi, or racial supremacy movements
• Hateful imagery such as flags or t-shirts supporting a hateful cause being the focal point of the article with the intention to promote said cause
• Threatening an individual with malicious or prolonged insults
• Threatening to release or actually releasing (“doxing”) someone’s personal information, such as their home address, without their permission
• Any content that is posted to provoke or antagonize people, such as “trolling”
4. Nudity or Sexual Content
What is in violation of the policy?
• Exposed female breasts, nipples, buttocks, or genitalia
• Minimally covered female breasts or cleavage not in context such as a beach setting, pool, red carpet event, or performance
• Footage or imagery of surgery of genitalia, even EDSA, including but not limited to, sheer see-through coverage of bathing suit area (penile or labial outline)
• Footage or imagery of stimulating genitals or anus, even if above or under clothing
• Footage or imagery of inanimate sexual objects (e.g, sex toys, replicas of sex organs, etc,)
• Sexual intercourse or other by-products of sexual activity, including illustrated, simulated, and animated
• Celebrity or personal sexual life or history
• Disrobing or other sexual behavior intended to stimulate
• Content that focuses on sexual pleasures
• Content that promotes or provides links to porn, adult, or x-rated sites
• Content intended to promote sexual acts
• Content that inappropriately sexualizes people
• Content that includes sexual poses, suggestive movement (such as sexual dancing), or suggestive language including sexual innuendos or allusions to intercourse
• Content that may be interpreted as promoting a sexual act in exchange for compensation
• Nudity in photos of paintings and sculptures
• Content that in any way promotes or facilitates human trafficking or compensated sexual acts
5. Minor Endangerment
We do not allow content that potentially places minors at risk, exploits them, or portrays them in a negative or harmful manner physically or psychologically.
What is in violation of the policy?
• Content that is associated with or focused on children’s sexual abuse or sexualization of minors or someone who appears to be a minor (animated, implied, or dramatized), even if the content does not include graphic details, pictures or videos
• Content that contains graphic details, pictures or videos of murder, assault or child/domestic abuse victims
• Content promotes minors participating in dangerous activities for example, playing with fire, explosives, knives, weapons, etc
• Content that does not comply with the U.S. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), such as content primarily directed at children
*If you find any child sexual exploitation content, report it to If you believe a child is in danger, contact law enforcement immediately.
6. Vulgar Language and Profanity
We don’t allow gratuitous obscenities, profanity, or language that may be inappropriate for audiences under 18 years old.
What is in violation of the policy?
• Any unblocked profanity and vulgarity in a headline , even if the profanity itself is the news
• Excessive unblocked profanity and vulgarity throughout the body text, even if the profanity itself is the news
• Censored profanity and vulgarity in the body text, when the profanity itself is not the news, and it’s directed at someone and intended in a sexual or derogatory nature
• Unblocked crude gestures or vulgar motions, even if the gestures or motions themselves are the news
7. False or Misleading Content
Lakewood Opinions, LLC is not a place for misinformation, disinformation, or mal-information. We remove or restrict distribution of false or misleading content that may harm our users or the public’s well-being, safety, or trust.
What is in violation of the policy?
• Unsupported and unsubstantiated claims presented as fact. For example, non-expert health claims that risk public health and safety, such as the promotion of false cures or anti-vaccination advice
• Reports of allegations – criminal or not – that fail to attribute information to a specific source
• Unsubstantiated accusations of illegal or unethical behavior about individuals, groups, or businesses
• False or misleading information that impedes an election’s integrity or an individual’s or group’s civic participation
• False or misleading claims about the results of an election that could lead to interference with the election process or vote counting process
• Promotion of conspiracy theories
• Articles with quotes in a headline that never appear in the story body and are not attributed to any source
• Digitally manipulated video or images intended to obscure facts and/or distort information
• Content that impersonates a person, group, brand, or business
• Content that falsely implies having an affiliation with, or endorsement by, another individual, organization, product or service
• Horoscope content that is fear-mongering in nature and includes actual instruction for people’s life
8. Biased Content
Lakewood Newsbreak believes in facilitating healthy debate on the platform by showcasing opinion content. Such content is labeled as opinion when it appears and should always be grounded in fact.
What is in violation of the policy?
• Extremist, polarizing content presented in a demeaning or judgmental way that vilifies and dehumanizes a person, group, or entity
• Use of insults or language intended to villainize or shame individuals or ideas, such as “thug,” “sleaze,” “crazy,” “loser,” “lowlife,” “idiotic,” “stupid,” etc.
• Content that presumes guilt, or implies presumption of guilt, of people who have been arrested or are on trial for crimes
• Content calling out illegitimacy of elections without any proof
• Opinion articles that are based entirely on emotion with no evidence or citations to back up their claims
• Content that mentions or promotes religions without any relevance to current news or events
9. Sponsored and Affiliate Content
Sponsored, branded, promotional, and affiliated content (defined below) is allowed on Lakewood Newsbreak as long as the relationship is disclosed, such content does not break any other policy, is not misleading, and does not promote anything illegal or improper. You must also comply with all applicable laws and regulations. These vary by jurisdiction and it’s your responsibility to follow the ones that apply to you.
This policy applies to any content on our Platform, including verbal statements, demonstrations, or depictions of a name, signature, or likeness.
Any promotional links should not be excessive or distracting for the user, such as by taking up too much space in the article, or by including an excessive number of links such that it outweighs the other content. It is recommended that even if your post is promotional, a majority of the content is not and the content should still provide value to the user. If you received compensation for including promotional links in content, you must disclose that fact clearly and conspicuously.
Sponsored, branded or promotional content is any content in which the content producer has a material connection with the brand. A material connection includes any personal, family, or employment relationship or a financial relationship – such as the brand paying you or giving you free or discounted products or services.
For video content, branded or promotional content should not appear within the first 10 seconds of the video.
What is in violation of the policy?
• Affiliate content without a proper disclosure before the link appears (“proper disclosure” is a clear and conspicuous description of how you benefit, such as: This post include affiliate links, if you purchase anything through these affiliated links, the author/website may earn a commission)
• Affiliate content with a proper disclosure, but only promoting a single product or brand
• Sponsored or branded content without clear disclosure using words “Sponsored” “Ad” or “Paid” at the top of/ beginning of the piece of content
• Promotional or advertising pieces clearly created by a brand running on a publisher’s platform
• Content contains promotion of the following:
◦ Tobacco products, vaporizers, electronic cigarettes
◦ Illegal, recreational, or prescription drugs, unapproved pharmaceuticals
◦ Supplements
◦ Alcohol sale or misuse
◦ Real money gambling or betting
◦ Weapons, ammunition or explosives
◦ Adult products or services
◦ Payday loans, paycheck advances, penny auctions
◦ Multi-level marketing schemes, or prohibited financial services
◦ Any form of hacking or cracking and/or provides users with instructions, equipment, or software that tampers with or provides unauthorized access to devices, software, servers, or websites, including but not limited to spyware or malware, including but not limited to spyware or malware
◦ Counterfeit products
◦ Endangered or threatened species
• Promotion of content, products, or services using false, dishonest, or deceptive claims
• Content that contains links that lead to unrelated or deceptive websites
• Content that facilitates marriage to a foreigner, e.g., “mail order brides”
10. Spam
We restrict the distribution of spammy or clickable content that has no benefit to the users, and in some cases can be troublesome or harassing.
What is in violation of the policy?
• Outdated news content that is no longer relevant and can cause confusion and perplexity
• Content that has an evergreen nature (celebrity memoir, etc) yet the title alone could cause confusion and perplexity about its timeliness
• Fictional pieces that are presented as news stories
• Satire stories presented as wholly fictionalized news stories, even if clearly labeled as such
• Content that includes links to malware or other technologically malicious content
• Content that offers cash gifts or “get rich quick” schemes
• Content that incites interference with democratic processes, such as encouraging voters to misrepresent themselves or illegally participate, or calling for violence to prevent a peaceful transfer of power or orderly succession
• Content that encourages inflated accidental clicks
• Articles written in first-person without an associated byline
11. Intellectual Property and Privacy
We do not allow the improper use of intellectual property and violations of privacy, including but not limited to, violations of applicable privacy laws or our Privacy Policy.
What is in violation of the policy?
• Anything that infringes another’s intellectual property, including copyright, patent, trade secret, rights of publicity, or trademark rights
• Distributing a private person’s confidential and personally identifiable information or image without consent
• Plagiarism
• Engaging in ‘phishing’ for users’ information
• Setting cookies on domains that modify, intercept, or delete cookies set by Lakewood Opinions, LLC
• Scraping, crawling, or spidering for information
12. Language and Grammatical Issues
What is in violation of the policy?
• Content that is not one of our supported languages
• Incomplete or cut-off headlines
• All caps headlines
• Articles with grammatical errors that would make the reader question the validity of the published content
Questions Regarding Privacy
If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice, our privacy practices, or your dealings with us, you can contact:
Chief Privacy Officer
Lakewood Opinions, LLC
Lakewood, CO 80226